We Are Moving!
Kindly be informed that we have relocated from our Carlow Road offices and are presently operating remotely until
further notice. Watch this space for an upcoming announcement regarding our new office location.
We can be contacted through email on: enquiries@mandelaminingprecinct.co.za or by telephone on: 011 358 0000
People-centric We respect customer requirements and are committed to creating
capacity and capability in our researchers.
“Local solutions for local problems”
Developing localised technological solutions for uptake by local mining equipment manufacturers.
Co-creation “Stronger together"
Fostering co-creation and collaboration between the research community, mining companies,
government and equipment manufacturers.

About the

Mandela Mining


The Mandela Mining Precinct is a Public-Private Partnership between the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Minerals Council of South Africa. It is an initiative aimed at revitalising mining research, development and innovation in South Africa to ensure the sustainability of the industry.

Latest News

Our Programmes

“The Mandela Mining Precinct has been established to provide a community of researchers with an opportunity to work together in one space. The Mandela Mining Precinct initiative is implemented through six research-based programmes, all of which are aimed at improving the safety of mines and introducing innovative technologies to the industry.”

Longevity of Current Mines

The Longevity of Current Mines programme is aimed at improving mining practices and procedures, particularly for established mines that are already constrained by their infrastructure. The aim is to prolong the sustainability of the mines, thereby maintaining current jobs.

Mechanised Mining Systems

Aimed at providing sustainable mechanised drill, blast and mechanical rock breaking solutions in advancement towards atomised systems to facilitate achieving zero harm, whilst maintaining and defending desired production rates at minimised costs, within the au and PGM mining industries.


Advanced Orebody Knowledge

The Advanced Orebody Knowledge (AOK) programme is aimed at providing mine planners, rock engineers, geologists and other decision-makers with information and knowledge that will contribute to optimal extraction and zero harm objectives. This knowledge is required ahead of mining to adequately inform day-to-day tactical as well as long term strategic decision-making.

Real-time Information Management Systems

The Real-Time Information Management Systems programme aims to improve data sourcing, transmission, storage, dissemination, and information management tools, practices, and procedures for mines.

Successful Application Of Technologies Centred Around People

The SAMERDI Successful Application of Technologies Centred Around People (SATCAP) programme aims to understand how both specific and general challenges relating to people in the mining modernisation process can be understood from all stakeholders’ perspectives. As systems, technologies and processes modernise, these will have an impact on the people in mining.

Our Mission and Vision

Our vision is to maximise the returns of South Africa’s mineral wealth through collaborative, sustainable research, development, innovation and implementation of mining technologies in a socially, environmentally and financially responsible manner that is rooted in the wellbeing of local communities and the national economy


Developing innovative mining technologies

The Mandela Mining Precinct is currently investigating a test mine that can offer a site at which technologies and systems developed by the Mandela Mining Precinct, Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEMSA), or any of our key stakeholders, can be tested.