The RTIMS show-and-tell event was held virtually on 18 November 2021.
It was attended by representatives of the Precinct’s funders, mining companies and partners.
The aim of the event was to brief the mining industry and funders, such as the DSI on progress in the 2021-2022 projects after they were launched in July.
Completed deliverables were demonstrated, such as the DX BC tool version 1; the Knowledge Portals; Integration work with SATCAP; planned work with SATCAP; designs in terms of big data and ‘mining data’; design in human-machine interface system; underground communications using COFDM and the electronic log book (LOCM research programme); unified visualisation platforms; how we’re building a machine learning (artificial intelligence for mining insights) platform that will have open access – this platform is also being set up to assist the Mineral Council’s trackless mobile machinery compliance project as far as possible.
The outcome has opened the door to new mining companies that want RTIMS to aid them in the DX maturity journeys and help define scope and tools. A company that is not a member of the Technical Steering Committee has offered a host site to do pilot work.
Another outcome has been identifying and consolidating the historical work done. This means smartly leveraged capability, capacity, and strategy by avoiding duplication and wasting funds when considering potential new work offered by the Precinct’s partners.
Mining companies, via the knowledge portal content, can now directly assist us (and share with broader industry) by/with providing their thought leadership, updating information or expertise into this RTIMS Blueprint System, besides being able to use it as reference work.
The event can be viewed here: