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The SATCAP Skills Immersion Demo Workshop /Exhibit was held virtually, via Zoom on 12 January 2022.

Immersion into the ‘Art of Possibility’ modern training for a modern workforce

With the modernisation of mining taking shape in South Africa, the Mandela Mining Precinct (MMP) through the Successful Application of Technologies Centred Around People (SATCAP) Programme held SATCAP Skills Immersion Demo Workshop /Exhibit on the 12th January 2022.

The MMP is a public-private partnership between the DSI and the Minerals Council, it is jointly hosted by the Minerals Council South Africa and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). It is an initiative aimed at revitalising mining research, development, and innovation in South Africa to ensure the sustainability of the industry. As per the MMP values, the MMP aims to deliver brilliance through people centricity, collaboration, innovation, and with integrity.

The SATCAP research programme is aimed at understanding the challenges, effects and impacts of mining modernisation on people in the minerals sector. The purpose of the workshop/ exhibit was to share with stakeholders the SATCAP 2021/22 projects, for validation and/ or for further insights towards finalising project outcomes. The aim of the workshop/ exhibit was the immersion into the ‘art of possibility’ modern training for a modern workforce.

The MMP has commissioned its 2021 research projects to CSIR, Wits, UP, WWI and as per the need for the study, OEMs were included. SATCAP had four projects in 2021 – all based on modern training for a modern workforce. Researchers investigated AR and VR training, Leadership Development for supervisors and Digital Literacy for a modern workforce.

To access the SATCAP Skills Immersion Demo Workshop /Exhibit full recording, click here

The workshop sessions included:

Session 1: SATCAP Projects Panel Discussion

The SATCAP PM facilitated a panel discussion through Question and Answer (Q&A) with the research team/ research leads of the projects. To access the Panel Discussion, click here

Session 2: Projects Virtual Demos – ‘Art of possibility’ break-away training immersions

There were four breakaway rooms to showcase the SATCAP 2021 projects through the ‘art of possibility’ modern training for a modern workforce. Stakeholders were afforded an opportunity also to provide inputs, comments, ask questions to the project leads. The following are the links to access the sessions:

  • Room 1: WP 2.1 – Supervisors Leadership Development (Click here)
  • Room 2: WP 2.2 – Digital Literacy Training (Click here)
  • Room 3: WP 3 – VR Miners Training (Click here)
  • Room 4: WP 4 – AR RDOs Training (Click here)

Session 3: Value and Transfer to Industry – Showcase

For the solutions transfer to industry, the RTIMS portal was showcased. SATCAP projects solutions like training modules/ videos/ slides may be accessed by the industry through the RTIMS portal and the MMP website.

Transfer to mining students, graduates, and interns will be through the University of Johannesburg. To access the UJ Mock mine – Virtual Tour, Click here for slides presentation with interactive links, videos and QR codes.

Session 4: Collaboration Partners – Skills Projects Presentations

SATCAP collaborates with various stakeholders including the Universities, SETAs, Unions, MEMSA, and MHSC. During 2021, SATCAP conducted immersion tours to 3 mining universities to immerse stakeholders in mining modernisation. Visits were held to the Wits Digimine, UP VR Centre and UJ’s mock mine, click here to access a video on the immersion study tour.

MEMSA has an exciting skills project which they are working on. Urban Econ did a presentation on MEMSA 4IR Skills Study, click here to access the presentation.


The Mandela Mining Precinct expresses gratitude to all the stakeholders who attended the SATCAP Skills Immersion Demo Workshop /Exhibit.

SATCAP acknowledges the DSI and MCSA for making funding and research possible for the industry. Thanks to the researchers for the research work conducted, with commitment – the CSIR, WWI, Wits and UP. Thanks to the OEMs for their participation and involvement in the projects, the mining companies, the UJ team, MEMSA, Urban Econ, SATCAP TSC members. Special thanks to the attendees from the various organisations such as the Organised Labour,, MCSA, MHSC, MQA, merSETA, research institutions and universities, consulting companies, suppliers, and the MMP team.

For more information you may visit our website:

For further enquiries you may contact Sherin Ramparsad (  or Tshepo (

Mandela Mining Precinct_Presentation (UEN)

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