Matching mining houses’ unique circumstances to suitable technologies
Many mining houses are under pressure to incorporate a Real-Time Information Management Systems (RTIMS) framework, but uncertainties related to costs and suitability of the technology to the mine presents challenges. The Mandela Mining Precinct has developed a decision matrix tool intended to overcome this challenge by assisting mining houses in incorporating a fit-for-purpose RTIMS framework.
The Mandela Mining Precinct-developed matrix tool will enable the user to conduct 1st-level scenario planning, identify suitable technologies, and evaluate a high-level business case in three easy steps:
1. Consult the built-in Implementation Framework to determine which criteria and data frequency requirements are important to your mine’s unique circumstances;
2. Determine the criteria deemed important to your mine. With an upper limit of eight criteria, you may consider the life of the mine, mining method, etc.; and
3. After inputting the criteria, the tool weighs each criterion against each type of underground communications technology type, thereby allowing for greater levels of accuracy in recommending technologies.
You are invited to trial the tool, to enable the Mandela Mining Precinct to determine its feasibility and applicability to addressing the mining industry’s RTIMS needs. Trials are open to mines across South Africa and Africa.
For more information and to obtain the tool, contact Jean-Jacques Verhaeghe, RTIMS programme manager: jverhaeghe@mandelaminingprecinct.org.za or enquiries@mandelaminingprecinct.org.za