Advanced Orebody Knowledge (AOK)

“Glass rock – Seeing into the rock”

The Advanced Orebody Knowledge (AOK) programme is aimed at providing mine planners, rock engineers, geologists and other decision-makers with information and knowledge that will contribute to optimal extraction and zero harm objectives. This knowledge is required ahead of mining to adequately inform day-to-day tactical as well as long term strategic decision-making.

The Advanced Orebody Knowledge programme is implemented in four phases:

Review – This entails gaining a better understanding of the relevant in-mine environments, to refine the user requirements, thereby enabling the matching of potential technology solutions to specific problems.
Technology assessment – Conducted in parallel with the first phase with the aim to assess the state of technology, and it will involve comprehensive testing of promising technologies and quantifying the value that these solutions might offer.
Optimisation / Implementation / Integration – Increased focus on developing the most promising technologies to work more effectively and efficiently, and integrating technologies with the mining production cycle.
Knowledge transfer – The final phase of the programme will focus on demonstrating solutions to industry and disseminating and transferring knowledge.

AOK Projects

Technologies Ahead of the Mining Front

Borehole information with associated mapping of mining excavations is currently used to model geological features ahead of the mining front. The accuracy thereof..

Testing Alternative Technologies to Replace Current Belt Sampling Methods

Current manual face sampling methods are unreliable, and it takes time to obtain results. Manual face sampling is also labour intensive and exposes people to unnecessary…

Testing of Promising Technologies

The South African underground mining industry is plagued by incidents that often lead to injuries and fatalities. To combat this, the Mandela Mining Precinct has set…

Technologies on the face and associated platforms and in-mine positioning systems

The focus of this project is on researching and integrating the ability to map out the geometry of excavations. The research team aimed to localise a man-portable Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) unit…