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MMP showcases people-centred solutions to mining industry

By March 15, 2023No Comments

The Mandela Mining Precinct (MMP), through the Successful Application of Technologies Centred Around People (SATCAP) programme, showcased Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related projects, which were made available for industry transfer through a hybrid event held at the MMP offices in Johannesburg on 2 March 2023.

“SATCAP was requested by mining companies, through the SATCAP Technical Steering Committee, to develop people-centred solutions with consideration for a balance between people, planet and profit; more specifically, around environmental, social and governance issues, to enable mines to gather data, do analytics, and address interventions as per identified needs,” says SATCAP Programme Manager, Sherin Ramparsad.The SATCAP programme collaborated with research institutions and mining partners to deliver such solutions for the industry. The purpose of the industry showcase was to hand over these research-driven solutions to partner mines, namely Sibanye-Stillwater, Implats, Harmony Gold and Royal Bafokeng Platinum.

The solutions include:

  • Community Training Needs Assessment Tool for mining modernisation – Mines needed an assessment tool to identify current and future community training needs to support shared value creation. The tool enables mines to obtain an understanding of the baseline skills profiles of communities and small, medium and micro enterprises in local mining communities. It further enables mines to assess the appropriate training needs for modernisation and towards supporting new and alternative economies.
  • Digital Leadership Competencies Gap Assessment Tool – It was identified that mines may not have a common understanding of digital leadership to drive digital transformation and that a Digital Leadership Competency Gap Assessment does not seem to exist in mines. The tool provides mines with a Leadership Competency Gap Assessment for supervisors, managers and operators; and further includes a common understanding of digital leadership competence.
  • Change Management (CM) Blueprint for the adoption of modern technologies – Mines needed a people-centred, user-friendly CM Blueprint for the adoption of modern technologies. The mining Industry Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH) adoption system which is used by mines for the adoption of leading practices, remains an industry imperative. The tool enables mines with a CM Blueprint for change leaders on mines to drive change for the adoption of modern technologies, with people and technology readiness included. The tool may be used as a supplement to the MOSH adoption system.
  • SMME Communications and Engagement Tool: Mines needed to enable SMME participation in the supply chain and encourage localisation. The tool enables SMMEs to self-manage their compliance to ensure that they meet requirements for entry into the local procurement supply chain. It enables mines to make enterprise development and procurement policies / information accessible to all SMMEs. It also enables SMMEs to track the progress of their queries through the query submissions feature.
  • Non-Governmental Organisations Community Social Needs Assessment Tool: Mines needed an assessment to enable them to assess the ‘real’ socio-economic current and future needs of communities. The tool enables mines to identify community current and potential future social needs. It also enables mines to think strategically by being able to identify potential black industrialists and asset bases within their local community – for sustainable communities post mining.

The industry showcase included presentations and demonstrations of the solutions, which included addressing the challenges and needs of the industry that the solutions sought to address. Guidelines available for transfer to industry and uptake were also showcased.

The tools are made available through the MMP website for accessibility and uptake.

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